
The Leratong Community Centre is an Institution for Children. It is open for all to come to the Centre and to use the facilities. The purpose is to teach them Life skills like Teamwork and Fairness. One of the Mottos is the Equality because “We are all the same” (“Kao fela rea tsoana”). We aim to counterbalance child headed families by teaching them how to knit, sew and agriculture. Once they know how to take care of themselves they are better able to take care of their siblings. Here it is easy to make new friends and have a good time.
The Centre wouldn´t be what it is if we didn´t have the support of many people and organisations. Over the years, the Centre is growing in possibilities and projects. Today, we can look back to a time full of assistance and sponsorship which made all this happen. The employees of the Centre are supported regularly by German Volunteers. The Volunteers are working and learning, to get a cultural exchange for the kids and for themselves.
The Centre opens at 9AM and Closes at 5PM. For most of the Kids, it is an afterschool safe haven where the children are taken care of by volunteers. On school holidays the opening hours change mostly due to the weather and activities planned.