
The Garden of the Centre has the task of feeding the Children on Saturday Lunches and every day during school holidays. We are trying to grow most of the Vegetables on our own. We get our manure from our neighbour’s cows. Where we are given an unlimited amount depending on our need and growth of our vegetable patches.

We have planted and are growing spinach, beet root, butternut, cabbage, grape, tomatoes, butternut, peas, rape, carrots, lettuce and red pepper.
Soil erosion is also a big Problem which we are trying to minimise by growing a garden patch in the donga. Strawberries are one of the plants used for decoration as well as erosion deterrents. The Centre has two big water collectors with 2500 Litres each. The rain goes from the rooftop directly into the collectors and on the ground, we dug some canals to lead the water to the plants.
The plan at the moment is to develop some shade netting covering, because we have realised that plants that grow under the netting are protected from hailstorms and direct sunlight, which is intense at the moment. We are hoping that because of the shade netting we will harvest an enormous amount.